W koszyku
(Oxford World's Classics)
Lawrence's first major novel was also the first in the English language to explore ordinary working-class life from the inside. No writer before or since has written so well about the intimacies enforced by a tightly-knit mining community and by a family where feelings are never hidden for long. Paul Morel is caught between his need for family and community and his efforts to define himself sexually and emotionally. Lawrence's powerful description of Paul's relationships makes this a novel as much for the beginning of the twenty-first century as it was for the beginning of the twentieth.
Status dostępności:
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. LA IV (1 egz.)
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. IV LO (1 egz.)
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Uwaga ogólna
Literatura w języku angielskim.
Uwaga dotycząca bibliografii
Select Biblography pages [XXXIV]-XXXV.
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