W koszyku
So says Bernie Gunther. It is 1954 and Bernie is in Cuba. Tiring of his increasingly dangerous work spying on Meyer Lansky, Bernie acquires a boat and a beautiful companion and quits the island. But the US Navy has other ideas, and soon he finds himself in a place with which he is all too familiar - a prison cell. After exhaustive questioning, he is flown back to Berlin and yet another prison cell with a proposition: work for French intelligence or hang for murder.
The job is simple: he is to meet and greet POWs returning to Germany and to look out for one in particular, a French war criminal and member of the French SS who has been posing as a German Wehrmacht officer. The French are anxious to catch up with this man and deal with him in their own ruthless way. But Bernie's past as a German POW in Russia is about to catch up with him - in a way he could never have foreseen.
Status dostępności:
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. LA IV (1 egz.)
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Strefa uwag:
Uwaga ogólna
Literatura w języku angielskim.
U dołu okładki : Bestselling author of If the Dead Rise Not, winner of the Ellis Peters Award.
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